Vectorization Concepts

FoundationaLLM (FLLM) provides utilities and services to support vectorizing your data in batch and on-demand modalities. Vectorization is a multi-step process, starting with loading your data, splitting (or chunking) the data as required, performing vector embeddings, and storing the vectors into a vector index so an agent can later retrieve relevant information through a vector search. In FLLM, vectorization is an idempotent operation, meaning that vectorizing the same document multiple times will result in the same vector being stored in the vector index. This is useful for re-vectorizing documents that have been updated, or for cases where only parts of the vectorization process need to be run (e.g., only the vector embeddings need to be updated).

For each individual document, vectorization is performed by executing a vectorization request process action via the Management API upon receiving a valid vectorization request, either through a direct call or via a triggered vectorization pipeline. Based on the details of the vectorization request, a processing a vectorization request can be executed in one of the following modes:

  • Synchonously - the vectorization steps start executing immediately and execute sequentially until the processing is completed or an error occurs. This type of execution is used for on-demand vectorization and is well suited for small to medium sized documents and relatively small numbers of documents at a time.
  • Asynchronously - the vectorization steps are submitted to queues and executed by workers. This type of execution is used for batch vectorization and is well suited for large numbers of documents at a time. It is also well suited for vectorizing documents of any size.

The FLLM platform components involved in vectorization are:

  • Management API (creates vectorization requests and exposes the process action on vectorization request resources).
  • Vectorization API (processes vectorization requests and executes synchonous vectorization pipelines). Note: The Vectorization API is used internally by the FoundationaLLM platform and is not intended to be used directly by users.
  • Vectorization Worker(s) (execute asynchronous vectorization pipelines).

A FLLM instance deploys one instance of the Vectorization API and one or more instances of the Vectorization Worker. See Configuring vectorization for more details on configuring these components.


The initialization of both the Vectorization API and the Vectorization Worker is a time consuming process, as it involves dowloading and initializing various elements (e.g., Byte-Pair encoding dictionaries). As a result, after restarting the API, it might take up to a minute until it becomes ready to accept vectorization requests. It is recommended to either use the status endpoint of the Vectorization API to determine when it is ready to accept requests, or to wait for a minute after restarting the API before sending vectorization requests.

Vectorization Pipelines

Vectorization pipelines are aggregations of multiple vectorization requests, for example, a vectorization pipeline may be defined to vectorize all documents in a specific data source, such as an ADLS Gen2 container. Vectorization pipelines can be triggered in one of the following ways:

  • None (no triggering of vectorization pipelines).
  • Manual (vectorization pipelines are triggered manually by calling the Vectorization API). The typical use cases for on-demand vectorization (either synchronous or asynchronous) are testing, manual vectorization (or re-vectorization), and application integration (where another platform component triggers vectorization).
  • Content-based (vectorization pipelines are triggered automatically when either new content is added to a content source or existing content is updated).
  • Schedule-based (vectorization pipelines are triggered automatically based on a schedule).

Content-based and schedule-based triggering are currently in pre-release and are not yet available in public releases of FLLM.

When working with vectorization in FLLM, the typical steps you have to perform are:

  • Ensure that the Management API, Vectorization API and Vectorization Worker are configured and running. This is a one-time operation. For more details, see Configuring vectorization.
  • Create vectorization profiles. You can either reuse existing profiles or create new ones. For more details, see Managing vectorization profiles.
  • Submit vectorization requests to the Management API. For more details, see Triggering vectorization.