
The FoundationaLLM (FLLM) prompt resource encapsulates the system prompt of an agent. The system prompt describes the persona of the agent and any instructional guardrails used to generate the desired responses to user prompts. The prompt resource is used in the Knowledge Management agent configuration.

Prompt configuration

The structure of a prompt is the following:

  "type": "multipart",
  "name": "<name>",
  "object_id": "/instances/<instance_id>/providers/FoundationaLLM.Prompt/prompts/<name>",
  "description": "<description>",
  "prefix": "<prompt_prefix>",
  "suffix": "<prompt_suffix>"


  • <name> is the name of the agent.
  • <instance_id> is the instance ID of the deployment.
  • <description> is the description of the prompt, describing the persona of the agent.
  • <prompt_prefix> is the beginning of the prompt.
  • <prompt_suffix> (optional) appended to the end of the prompt (after any prefix and context).
Parameter Description
type The type - will be multipart. multipart prompts have a prefix and suffix. Support for basic prompts, which have no suffix, will be added in a future release. type must be the first parameter in the request body.
name The name of the prompt.
object_id The object ID of the prompt. Remove this key when creating a prompt, as it is automatically populated by the Management API.
description The description of the prompt, ensure this description details the purpose or role of the prompt.
prompt_prefix The beginning of the prompt.
prompt_suffix Text appended to the ending of the prompt.

Managing prompts

This section describes how to manage knowledge management prompts using the Management API. {{baseUrl}} is the base URL of the Management API. {{instanceId}} is the unique identifier of the FLLM instance.


HTTP GET {{baseUrl}}/instances/{{instanceId}}/providers/FoundationaLLM.Prompt/prompts

Create or update

HTTP POST {{baseUrl}}/instances/{{instanceId}}/providers/FoundationaLLM.Prompt/prompts/<name>
Content-Type: application/json


where <prompt_configuration> is the prompt configuration structure described above.


HTTP DELETE {{baseUrl}}/instances/{{instanceId}}/providers/FoundationaLLM.Prompt/prompts/<name>

The delete operation is a logical delete. To purge a Prompt, call the /purge endpoint after deleting the Prompt.


HTTP POST {{baseUrl}}/instances/{{instanceId}}/providers/FoundationaLLM.Prompt/prompts/<name>/purge
Content-Type: application/json
